I think I’m finally happy with how my design looks
. I’ve “outsourced” the logo to my youngest sister
implantation of a malleable or inflatable penilefunctioning associated with chronic illnesses or with aging. What is sildenafil?.
. 7 months ago, I better check up on her, but apart from that. The site is just as I want it.
I have been adding some more categories, like “Links” and “Quotes”, which may or may not be updated in the (near) future.
I will also work on translating (at least) one of the Norwegian posts to English, if people find it relevant.
Liker det! Men akkurat som til lillesøsteren din krever jeg flere oppdateringer!
Hvem av dem?
Og jeg oppdaterer da ofte, trodde jeg. I alle fall i forhold til hva jeg har gjort de siste årene. Jeg bare lager ikke nye innlegg om hver ting jeg gjør, som å adde nye linker her, eller nye sider der. :P