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I’m a man born in Stavanger, Rogaland (Friday the 24th of October 1986, 5:00 PM for those interested). We lived there for 2 years, before we moved to Orkanger, Sør-Trøndelag. I grew up there and even though it wasn’t always easy being a spoiled, weird and nerdy kid from the southwest, I got some friends and lots of memories.

I went to school, almost gave up on junior high, then went to upper secondary school where I studied general studies, then went on to study EDB, and then back on general studies.

After spending way too many years trying to finish, I finally did in 2007. Then I moved to Steinkjer, to go to the university college there, Høgskolen i Nord-Trøndelag. I studied multimedia technology and after 4 years (one more than most people used), I wrote my bachelor. I haven’t got the degree yet, but that’s due to lazyness from me and the school. I know I should get it as soon as possible, but there’s always lots of other stuff in the way. Like work, gaming, socializing, fishing, photo trips and what not. I am very fond of procrastinating, to say the least.

Other of my interests are gaming – both the regular tabletops, cardgames, computer games and video games. Not to forget all the fun games on my cell phone.

I’m currently playing World of Warcraft, Marvel Future Fight, and Warhammer: Vermindtide 2.

I also enjoy to sit down for hours with solitaries, jigsaw puzzles or crossword puzzles – I can’t stand sudoku though (even though I like mathemathics and numbers, go figure).

Then we have photography. I got my first digital camera 12 years ago, when my father got a new one. It was an old Nikon, but when it got broken due to surviving one party too many, I jumped on the Canon wave, and I’ve stayed there since. Canon yay, Nikon nay. If you’re interested in some of my pictures, just click the «Portfolio»-tab and choose «Pictures».

After photography, comes an old friend from my earlier years. Poetry. I used to write to get my feelings out, and I can tell you I had many of them. Depressions, anxiety, girls, puppy love, weather, seasons … Everything tingled my mojo and got me writing. I even tried to get some of them published. I had everything. The cover art for the book, a title, the poetry, but alas, nay. No one seemed particularly interested in the rantings of an emotional youth. You’ll also find links to my poetry in my portfolio.

I also love to read. I stopped counting how many books I’ve read 12 years ago, but then the  number was about 2600 books. These days, it’s probably about 6000 or so. I currently own about 4000. My favourite genres are crime, chick lit, fantasy, fiction, entertainment, and history, but I read mostly everything else too.

And we can’t forget cooking. I love food, both eating it (except fish, yuck!) and making it. Be it unhealthy breakfasts, meals for the poor students living far away from home, dinners, cakes or deserts. I’ll make it, and probably post about it somewhere too. My favourite meals are «joika balls» (balls of reindeer meat) with brown gravy, macaroni and cranberry jam; baconcheese burgers; pizza (both American and Italian style); cream and cheese gratinated potatoes; Swedish meatballs with a creamy gravy and cranberry jam.

Then we have relaxing. I love to chill, sleep, relax, lounge, chillax, what have you. Just not do anything, just me and the music. Because yes, I love music. I love the feeling you get from certain songs. I’m not sure what science calls it, but I know most people just go with the word «eargasm». I get it when listening to certain songs by The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Dire Straits, The Rolling Stones, Björk, Daft Punk, DumDum Boys, Bedřich Smetana … You name it, I probably either have heard about it or love it. For more information about what I listen to, just check out my last.fm profile.

Lastly, we have movies. I’m not much of a TV guy (even though I watch series through downloading, streaming and buying sets on DVD), but movies, oh man. I’ve got aprox. 900-1000 DVDs and a whole lot of VHSes. I don’t often go to the cinema, but that’s because it’s expencive here in Norway. Also, you can’t see it again without paying for it. Listing my favourite movies would take too much time (and space), so I’ll leave you with a sort of top 5.
Donnie Darko, Forrest Gump, Dogma, Con Air, Villmark.
I love action, adventure, drama, cult, erotic, slasher, comedy, stoner, crime, historical, horror, well, most genres really. Even romance. If it’s Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks, you bet’cha I’ll watch it if I haven’t.

From this, you may have formed a picture of me as a shut-in neckbeard. I may have a neckbeard, but I’m not a shut-in. I love partying and being social just as much as I love sitting inside gaming, reading or watching movies.

Photography is best done outside. In the nature, I love nature and I love cities. Be it here in Norway or out in the wide world. Like USA, the Czech Republic, Sweden, France, England, Spain, the Netherlands, Poland … I’ve been in many countries, and I’d love to revisit, and also to check out new places. Like Russia, China, India, Australia, New Zealand, Peru, Argentina, Mexico, Brasil, Polynesia, Micronesia and lots of other exotic (and far away) places.

Fishing also works best outside. Be it in the ocean, the sea, lakes or rivers. Just give me a rod and I’ll be there with my boots on, ready to catch some. And I’ll bring my camera so that I can take pictures of the surrounding area too.

And if that’s not enough and you happen to be reading this from some strange object that doesn’t let you hover over links or menus to get more options …:


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