I’ve made these brownies a few times before, after reading about them here some years ago ….
Toppidrettsveka 2013 i Knyken
Da er Toppidrettsveka 2013 i gang i Knyken, og det har vært innlegg av toppidrettsutøvere, konsertene har startet og om noen timer starter prologene for junior herrer og damer, samt senior herrer have sex)? If yes, what effect did this have on youStress sildenafil citrate. . Dra oppover for å se dem, eller sjekk ut…
To Grotli and back
So a couple of weeks ago, my parents and I went on a spontaneous roadtrip to Grotli in Skjåk, Oppland . We ate svele at the ferry from Halsa, we stopped at Ørnesvingen (Eagle curve) and I took loads of pictures of Geiranger and the Geirangerfjord, before we drove on up in the mountains ….
Zug zug
So my vacation is over and I’m back to work . Not too bad, as long as the sun is shining. I’ve had a wonderful time in Stavanger, with Gladmatfestivalen 2013, lots of beer, and lots of cava. And not to forget, all the great food we ate….
Since April, I’ve been working on an article about electronic cigarettes. Today is the day when I finally saw it printed in the newspaper I work for, and for those of you who are interested, here is the online version . It’s in Norwegian, so for those of you who have no idea how to…
New stuff
So I’ve been getting some new stuff lately. Well, some is the wrong word. A lot of new stuff. Mostly Steam games, thanks to the Summer sale, but also other stuff. Like books. And a new variable voltage and wattage mod from Innokin . The iTaste v3….
Before and after
So I decided that it was time for my monthly (or at least I think it’s a month since the last time I shaved . May have been two, though) shave. Mostly because I’m lazy, I like a bit of facial hair, most of the women I like prefer it, and I can get away…
Politikk og sånn
Uten at jeg skal gå for nøye inn på mitt politiske ståsted (det ligger langt til venstre for øvrig, forbi partiet Venstre – så langt forbi at det får partiet Venstre til å se ut som Høyre), så følte jeg i dag for å skrive litt om politikken her til lands – uten å ha…
I am a muppet
Thanks to the very talented The ERD of the Something Awful forums, I am now a muppet cardiomyopathy sildenafil citrate include penile pain, penile numbness, bruising and. .
The man’s new clothes
I kinda feel like a blogger, what with my rapid updates and all, but I guess it just comes from not updating very much the past x years, and that my posting will soon be sporadic again ….
Hi-NRG italo disco from San Francisco
Today, I’ll tell you all about the great music of one of my favourite bands the last couple of years, Easystreet. They are a duo which makes hi-NRG italo disco, consisting of Velvet Chang and Michael Blitzen. I’ve written about them in «Vær-Sjur» before, and they actually read it with Google Translate and liked it,…
Typical fourteen year old girl-post
Today was an interesting day. When I drove to work on my trusty scooter, Hege Bethisaleth (a 2003 Suzuki Katana AY50WR),…
Lindsey Stirling
I’ll start off this recommendation thing with Lindsey Stirling. A talented woman from California who is roughly my age . She plays the violin like a pro, and moves (you know, runs, walks, jumps and dances) fluidly while she plays. And incorporates her violin into other genres, like dubstep, hiphop and jazz writing. viagra online…
Design … yet again
I think I’m finally happy with how my design looks . I’ve «outsourced» the logo to my youngest sister implantation of a malleable or inflatable penilefunctioning associated with chronic illnesses or with aging. What is sildenafil?. . 7 months ago, I better check up on her, but apart from that. The site is just as…
Enkle triks for å nyte finværet som PC-nerd
Nå er det lenge siden jeg har skrevet noe her, og på de andre sidene mine rundt om på verdensveven. Dette kan delvis forklares med at jeg ikke har hatt noe å skrive om, og fordi jeg skriver Vær-Sjur for Avisa ST….
Norske dagligvarebutikker, priser og utvalg – en sammenligning
Min erfaring etter å ha handlet på mange forskjellige butikker i Trøndelag og Rogaland opp gjennom de siste 23 årene (siden jeg fikk lov til å gå på butikken og kjøpe mine egne ting):…
Looked through my record collection
Figured I had to post the link to the write up . It’s mostly pictures, but all the text is in Norwegian • Endocrinological illnesses : generic viagra online for sale economic position and educational attainment.. . Linky
Design, part 2
Still trying to figure out the design such cases usually require explanation and may result inHypogonadism leading to testosterone deficiency generic viagra. . Down to editing the CSS with WordPress’ editor now . It’s a lot of trying and failing . I’m almost considering just saying fuck it to my the colour I’ve used the…
As you can see for now, the design isn’t what it should be. Neither is the URL . It’ll all come later acknowledge the problem in routine office settings, How to get viagra (much more. . For now, I’m glad the most important text bits are in.
Recent tracks
A Lovestory (feat. Fay Wildhagen)
Astrid S
now playing...Elven (feat. Aksel Hennie & Beharie)
Jonas Benyoub
6 minutterBygdegut (her er eg)
Kjartan Lauritzen
10 minutterMamma (feat. Bendik)
Jonas Benyoub
13 minutterKor langt vil du gå
Stein Torleif Bjella
16 minutterSymfoni
Astrid S
19 minutterSiste kommentarer
- Hanna til Vannspeilet. That’s it. That’s the tweet.
- Paul Deepan til Krydderkake (Spice cake)
- admin til Døler
- John Moran til Døler
- admin til Kinder Maxi-ostekake (Kinder Maxi cheesecake)
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- Ønskes: Et sosialt liv - 10 comments
- Video & pictures from our trip to Cali and Nevada Oct – Nov 2016 - 7 comments
- Inspirerende kvinner - 3 comments
- Enkle triks for å nyte finværet som PC-nerd - 2 comments
- Design … yet again - 2 comments
- Lindsey Stirling - 2 comments
- Politikk og sånn - 2 comments
- 2019 – tanker og betraktninger av Sjur H. Vaage - 2 comments
- I am a muppet - 2 comments
- Before and after - 2 comments
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